Sahay Aarogya Yojana

Poverty prevents people from seeking care at the right time. Many ailments/conditions remain undetected. Neglect of health condition and misconceptions about self-care and treatment of minor ailments and injuries are widespread in deprived communities.
Also, India lags in health resources. As against the WHO benchmark of 1 doctor for 1100. India trails at 1:1600+.Though the need is vast, OSF anticipates to tackle the situation through small projects to help people to be healthy and lead a good life.
Projects under Sahay Aarogya Yojana of OSF include:
- AMP (Aarogya Medical Points that works for the betterment of basic medical access in remote locations.
- Providing Oxygen Concentrator and consumbles for the non-commercial Covid19 care providers (hospitals).
- Making available Oxygen Concentrators for Covid patients who are prescribed to use them for a temporary duration.
AMPs of OSF - Closing the Medical Divide

Imagine – living in a place where the nearest point to get a paracetamol or medical advice is 2 ½ hours away! There are many such places in India, where medical access is distant, despite the significant gains made in health outcomes in the past decades.
Observing the risks for remote communities, OSF team felt the need of establishing Aarogya Medical Points (AMPs) in Koraput uplands. Volunteers from villages were identified and a training was given on basic administering of OTC drugs, detecting Covid symptoms etc., with the help of Asha Kiran Hospital, Lamptaput in Koraput Dist.
Presently, AMP centres reach 15 villages covering about 900 households now. For 40% of these homes, the nearest medical shop or clinic is a solid 2 hours away. Now support is at hand from the 7 base centres, which has collapsed the access time for the basic medicines. Every centre is able to attend to 15-20 patients with mild conditions daily that needs OTC medicines. Those who need further attention are advised and sent to PHC / CHC. Timely attention and advice are leading to faster cure among the people.
Normally, in these remote places, people tend to ignore ailments and put-off treatment unless it’s severe and unbearable. As a result, the regular and seasonal activities get delayed or dropped while they wait for the condition to get cured. It leads to a loss of productive man-days whereby family incomes are affected. These days, the risk is that anyone who are Covid infected, could potentially infect others, as the cases go undetected, being passed off as fever. The volunteers at OSF’s AMP centres persuade people to report any symptoms and the network calls for help from the nearest Covid Care point of the state health department.
Funds for the destitutes to buy medicines
Chronic patients in poor families on continuing medications were severely affected by the lockdown, when their income streams were closed.
As part of Covid relief, OSF provides support to buy their monthly medicines for conditions like diabetes, cardiac problems / BP, respiratory ailments like asthma, parkinsons etc.
Breathe well live well
Oxygen concentrators were supplied to few non-commercial hospitals that were at the forefront in fighting Covid second wave in Mumbai, Koraput (Odisha), Odanchatram (TN) and Tiruvalla (Kerala).
OSF has also placed 8 oxygen concentrators for home use by those who need them. This is given to the patients for temporary use at Bangalore and Chennai